Thursday, April 28, 2011

Old Boss

I'm not much of a dessert person, I'm not known to be one to bake very often.  I have inspirations once every few years when I have something going on like the cookie exchange in my old office where I solicited the help of my mom to help me make the very labor intensive hamentashen or when I was co-hosting my friend Jen's baby shower.

A couple of summers ago Jen invited me to go with her to her ex-boss's wedding party at her boss's house. Amongst all the delicious food that was served was also the most amazing strawberry tiramisu. Because I loved it so much I decided to make that instead of your everyday, ordinary baby shower cake at Jen's baby shower.  It was a huge hit.  Everyone loved it.  It's really simple to make, although you have to make it the night before you want to serve it as it has to set in the fridge at least 8 hours before serving.


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